Let’s Talk About Gratitude!

Let’s talk about Gratitude and how it influences your health!

 Would you consider yourself a grateful person?  Do you say the words “thank you” during the course of a normal day?  A normal week?  Monthly?  Do you stop to recognize, feel, and have an awareness of thankfulness?  Do you enjoy the thankfulness of others?

Can feeling gratitude influence your health?  YES!

Studies have shown that people who are grateful tend to have better coping mechanisms, a more positive disposition, fewer moments of anxiety, more restful sleep, and better heart health!  In addition, gratitude is known to have measurable effects on many body systems, such as:

  • Inflammatory and Immune Systems (cytokines)

  • Reproductive Hormones (testosterone)

  • Blood Sugar

  • Stress Hormones (cortisol)

  • Social Bonding Hormones (oxytocin)

  • Blood Pressure and Cardiac and EEG Rhythms

  • Cognitive and Pleasure Related Neurotransmitters (dopamine)

  • Mood Neurotransmitters (serotonin and norepinephrine)

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude!

  • Keep a Gratitude Journal. Put it down in writing! What are you grateful for each day?

  • Write Thank You Notes! Not only for presents received, but for gifts of friendship, kind acts, etc. You will fill yourself with thoughtful gratitude while inserting joy into someone else’s day!

  • Nonverbal Actions, such as smiles, hugs, or a simple “thumbs up”!

  • The Most Important Words in the English Language? “PLEASE” AND “THANK YOU!”

Expressing thankfulness at the end of your day, during prayer or meditation, is an excellent way to cultivate gratitude.  Practicing “mindfulness” means that you’re actively paying attention to the moment you are in right now.  

As you continue to practice expressing gratitude, you will begin to hear from others that you are a joy to be with…a positive person…and others will be thankful and grateful for your energy in their lives!  

Challenge yourself to have an “Attitude of Gratitude!”   See, for yourself, the changes it brings to your health, your life, and your loved ones!